The You Are What You Eat Campaign was the final project for the Creative Internship with Lindsey + Asp, an on-campus advertising and public relations agency at the University of Oklahoma. Our mission was to answer the Young Blood's brief for Burger King. The goal was to come up with a way to get millennials interesting in Burger King and get the message that "Fire is Better" across to them. Here's how we did it. 
We decided that instead of telling people about Burger King's burgers, maybe it would be better to show them. We first created a stimulation with a focus group and had them listen to a recorded audio with the script that is found below which lead us to the rest of our project shown after the script.  
How Burger King could make this go farther
 Introducing the first Burger King experience where people can truly understand what is it like to become a freshly flame-grilled burger. People are invited to come take a tour.

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